From *M.M.S.* Wyatt Earp to anyone who can use this, all I ask is a thank you, or maybe some credit in a map. Below are some sky values you can enter when making a skybox texture. //////// Singleplayer Skies ////////// sky/airfield sky/brecourt sky/burnville sky/carride sky/dam sky/chateau sky/factory sky/hurtgen sky/pavlov sky/pegasusnight sky/pegasusday sky/powcamp sky/pathfinder sky/railyard sky/rocket sky/sewer sky/stalingrad sky/ship sky/training sky/trainstation sky/truckride sky/tankdrivecountry sky/tankdrivetown ////// ////// //////// Multiplayer Skies ////////// ///// ////// sky/mp_carentan sky/mp_dawnville sky/mp_depot sky/mp_brecourt sky/mp_pavlov sky/mp_powcamp sky/mp_harbor sky/mp_hurtgen sky/mp_rocket sky/mp_railyard sky/mp_ship ////// ////// //////// non-conventional named Skies ////////// ///// ////// sky/damtest5 sky/d-daydrop sky/d-daydrop2 sky/d-daydrop3 sky/chateaunight sky/burnvilledawn sky/hedgerow sky/night01 sky/sewersky sky/stormy sky/starfield sky/stalingrad2 sky/test01 sky/test02 sky/credits You can make your pk3 by adding these folders to an archive using WinZIP or WinRAR. When you select 'add to archive', you must make sure that you are set to compile them in ZIP format, then just change to filename.pk3 and you got yourself a pk3 file. Here are the folders that must be included: BOLD = folder ITALIC = file ------------------------ maps -> mp -> MapName.bsp, MapName.gsc mp -> MapName.arena **Optional Folder** levelshots ->, layouts -> mp_brecourt: sky/mp_brecourt "diffusefraction" "0.6" "sundiffusecolor" ".75 .84 1" "sundirection" "-45 330 0" "suncolor" "1 .73 .42" "sunlight" "1.3" "ambient" "0.18" "_color" ".75 .84 1" "northyaw" "90" mp_carentan: sky/mp_carentan "minlightcolor" ".75 .84 1" "diffusefraction" "0.45" "sundiffusecolor" ".75 .84 1" "sundirection" "-45 210 0" "suncolor" "1 .73 .42" "sunlight" "1.5" "_color" ".75 .84 1" "ambient" ".2" mp_chateau: sky/mp_chateaunight "northyaw" "270" "diffusefraction" ".4" "sunlight" ".7" "sundiffusecolor" "14 21 32" "suncolor" "33 43 53" "sundirection" "-40 5 0" "_color" "1.000000 0.980392 0.925490" "ambient" ".12" mp_dawnville: sky/mp_dawnville "diffusefraction" "0.35" "sundiffusecolor" ".75 .84 1" "sundirection" "-24 45 0" "suncolor" "1 .73 .42" "sunlight" "2" "ambient" ".18" "_color" ".75 .84 1" "northyaw" "90" mp_depot: sky/mp_depot "_color" "200 200 205" "ambient" "0.16" "sunlight" "1" "suncolor" "100 100 210" "sundirection" "-45 95 0" "sundiffusecolor" "200 200 210" "diffusefraction" "0.6" mp_harbor: sky/mp_harbor "_color" "0.95 0.95 1.000000" "sundirection" "-35 195 0" "suncolor" "0.99 0.98 0.86" "sunlight" "1.6" "ambient" ".20" "sundiffusecolor" "0.94 0.94 1.000000" "diffusefraction" ".55" "northyaw" "90" mp_hurtgen: sky/stormy "ambient" ".18" "sunlight" "1" "sundirection" "-60 95 0" "sundiffusecolor" "0.962963 0.984127 1.000000" "suncolor" "0.953642 0.980132 1.000000" "diffusefraction" ".75" "_color" ".953642 .980132 1" mp_pavlov: sky/mp_pavlov "northyaw" "90" "_color" "100 105 105" "ambient" "0.18" "sundirection" "-30 40 0" "diffusefraction" "0.65" "sundiffusecolor" "100 100 100" "suncolor" "100 100 105" "sunlight" "0.95" mp_powcamp: sky/mp_powcamp "_color" "200 200 205" "ambient" "0.16" "sunlight" "1" "suncolor" "100 100 210" "sundirection" "-45 95 0" "sundiffusecolor" "200 200 210" "diffusefraction" "0.55" mp_railyard: sky/mp_railyard "sundirection" "-40 225 0" "suncolor" "100 100 105" "sunlight" "1.3" "sundiffusecolor" "100 100 100" "diffusefraction" ".65" "ambient" ".10" "_color" "100 100 105" mp_rocket: sky/mp_rocket "_color" "1 1 1" "ambient" ".18" "diffusefraction" ".65" "suncolor" "0.953642 0.980132 1.000000" "sunfiffusecolor" "0.962963 0.984127 1.000000" "sundirection" "-65 75 0" "sunlight" "1" mp_ship: sky/mp_ship "sundirection" "-45 110 0" "sundiffusefraction" ".6" "sundiffusecolor" ".8 .8 .78" "suncolor" ".9 .9 .89" "sunlight" "1" "ambient" "0.18" "_color" ".9 .9 .89" Special effects codes for .gsc files Remember!!!! place these lines after your main and beore anything else. maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("fire", ( X, Y, Z) <<----- coordinates location from editor where you want it placed example ****.gsc file complete with fire and smoke you can copy and paste below this line... make it a.gsc file with YOURMAPNAME.GSC put with YOURMAPNAME.BSP ------------------------------------------------------------------ main() { level._effect["fire"] = loadfx ("fx/fire/tinybon.efx"); maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("fire", (16, 24, 0), 0.6); level._effect["smoke"] = loadfx ("fx/smoke/ash_smoke.efx"); maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("smoke", (16, 24, 32), 0.7); setCullFog (0, 6000, .32, .33, .40, 0); ambientPlay("ambient_mp_brecourt"); maps\mp\_load::main(); game["allies"] = "american"; game["axis"] = "german"; game["attackers"] = "allies"; game["defenders"] = "axis"; game["american_soldiertype"] = "airborne"; game["american_soldiervariation"] = "normal"; game["german_soldiertype"] = "wehrmacht"; game["german_soldiervariation"] = "normal"; game["layoutimage"] = "unknown.jpg"; } -------------------------------------------------------------------