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Call of Duty 1.1 Competitive Ammo for Each Weapon

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With that Config you can make your Weapons Ammo Competitive like, means: lower ammunation for each weapon.
Config made for Scrim Mania Server (PAM Mod).
You can edit it for your own Server.

Can executed by rcon with /rcon exec pam_ammo.cfg
Or add the "pam_ammo.cfg" to your server.cfg "exec pam_mode.cfg".

Here list of Each Weapon and their Ammo:
Colt: 7 / 24
Bar: 20 / 60
M1Carbine: 15 / 60
M1Garand: 8 / 32
Thompson: 30 / 90
Springfield: 5 / 20
Luger: 7 / 24
MP44: 30 / 90
Kar98K: 5 / 25
MP40: 32 / 64
Kar98K Scope: 5 / 25
Enfield: 10 / 50
Sten: 32 / 96
Bren: 30 / 90
Mosin Nagant: 5 / 25
PPSH: 71 / 142
Mosin Nagant Scope: 5 / 25

Best regards,
Details Creator: Brejax File Size: 376.0 B Version: 1.1 - 1.5 Compatible Version: 1.1 ,1.5 Downloads: 4 Upload Date: August 09, 2024
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