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Frostyy's Toolkit

Description Changelog
1. Download the zZz_Toolkit.rar
2. Find your game location (Example: C/Games/Call Of Duty 1/main) and drag the zZz_Toolkit.rar there.
3. Right click the zZz_Toolkit.rar and extract it in the same location.
4. Delete the zZz_Toolkit.rar, you should now have zZz_Toolkit.pk3 in the same location.

1. Improved Performance menu tab.
2. Improved Multiplayer Options menu tab.
3. New Toolkit menu.
4. New options in the Quick Menu.

1. Renamed Quick Messages menu to Tactial Menu.
2. Removed useless options from menus.
3. Optimized the game.

In progress
1. In-game ESC menu that will help with miscmod commands and rcon commands.
Version 1.1

New Additions
- New background.
- 5 New options in the Toolkit menu. [ Developer Mode, Console bind, Start Demo bind, Stop Demo bind and Allow Downloads bind ]
- 3 New options in the Perfomance menu. [ Lagometer, Draw FPS and Max FPS ]

- Fixed the issues with the text alligment.
Details Creator: Frostyy File Size: 3.9 MB Version: 1.1 Compatible Version: 1.1 Downloads: 42 Upload Date: July 13, 2023
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